Left.ru ________________________________________________________________________________
EMERGENCY in Argentina


Buenos Aires: The workers at the Brukman factory are expecting a
POLICE ATTACK on their factory sometime after next Tuesday.  They
are organizing a march Tuesday morning to the Ministry of Labor
at 9 am-  The occupation by workers and the production by the
workers themselves represents a threat to the very nature of
capitalism. The Asambleas Populares are discussing mass
mbilization in case of attack.  Printing workers are discussing
following the Brukman workers exampleand taking over their
factory. At the court hearing yesterday every major politician
was present to show solidarity with the employers. The judge
claimed she had "lost patience" with the workers.

They are asking for international solidarity. We need to protest
leaflet and protest throughout the world at Argentinian
consulates/ embassies this week! Get your union brothers out on
the picket line! Support the Brukman workers  call for
municipalization of the factory under workers control.

If you can carry out actions, inform the Brukman workers at their
e mail addresses: jjforevergo@terra.com.ar
Their telephone number in Buenos Aires is: 43081448
or contact me: E. Gilman: giltapia@igc.org

The statement below is a Petition which the Brukman workers have


Since December 18th workers at the clothing enterprise BRUKMAN
CLOTHING have been in struggle to defend their jobs.  The company
did not carry out legal contributions, such as not contributing
to pensions or disability.  It ended up by paying us with $2
certificates. Faced with the demands of the workers and their
refusal to receive further mistreatment, the owners of Brukman
abandoned the plant leaving the workers without anything.

Organizing themselves democratically and making all their
decisions in their own meetings, they decided to remain in the
plant in self defense of their rights, having the support of
neighborhood Asambleas, human rights organizations, leaders of
social and labor organizations from the rest of the country.

The owners are again, through the method of a preliminary hearing
on bankruptcy, are attempting to regain control of the factory.
They made a criminal complaint which resulted in an attempt at
our violent eviction on March 16th. The judge, however, closed
the case on the grounds that it was a labor dispute and not a
criminal question.

We the undersigned demand justice for the workers. We demand
energetically the re-opening of the factory with all the workers.
We oppose any means which uses force or repression against the
workers. We manifest our defense of their democratic organization.

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